ASX Announcements 2023-24 Financial Year

30-Apr-24 4:48pm yes Business Activity Statement & Appendix 4C -   Mar-2024 Qtr opens new window   
1066KB Commitments Test Entity - Third Quarter Activity   Report and 1 more
22-Mar-24 12:02pm no Receipt of R&D Tax Refund opens new   window   
107KB Periodic   Reports - Other
20-Mar-24 5:16pm no Change of Director's Interest Notice - Mr Geoffrey   Kempler opens new window   
170KB Change of   Director's Interest Notice
20-Mar-24 5:16pm no Notification regarding unquoted securities -   HXL opens new window   
18KB Appendix 3G
19-Mar-24 5:23pm no Change of Address opens new window   
107KB Details of   Company Address
29-Feb-24 8:59am yes Appendix 4D and Interim Financial   Report opens new window   
808KB Half Yearly Report and 4 more
1-Feb-24 7:09pm no Notification of cessation of securities -   HXL opens new window   
24KB Appendix 3H   (Notification of cessation of securities)
31-Jan-24 3:48pm yes Business Activity Statement & Appendix 4C -   Dec-2023 Qtr opens new window   
1072KB Commitments Test Entity - Second Quarter Activity   Report and 1 more
1-Dec-23 9:38am no Final Director's Interest Notice - Dr Nicole van   der Weerden opens new window   
185KB Final   Director's Interest Notice
29-Nov-23 8:06pm no Resignation of director opens new window   
105KB Director   Appointment/Resignation
28-Nov-23 11:44am no Results of Meeting opens new window   
151KB Results of   Meeting
31-Oct-23 5:53pm yes Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 4C -   Sep-23 Qtr opens new window   
1070KB Commitments Test Entity - First Quarter Activity   Report and 1 more
27-Oct-23 9:59am no Virtual Meeting Online Guide opens new window   
1128KB Web Cast and 1 more
27-Oct-23 9:59am no Notice of Annual General Meeting and Proxy   Form opens new window   
843KB Web Cast and 3 more
19-Oct-23 12:10pm no Date of Annual General Meeting opens new   window   
107KB Notice of Meeting - Other and 1 more
21-Sep-23 5:43pm no Initial Director's Interest Notice - Mr Phillip   Hains opens new window   
162KB Initial   Director's Interest Notice
19-Sep-23 10:16am no Appointment of Mr Phillip Hains as a Non-Executive   Director opens new window   
123KB Director   Appointment/Resignation
7-Sep-23 6:28pm no Initial Director's Interest Notice - Geoffrey   Kempler opens new window   
169KB Initial   Director's Interest Notice
7-Sep-23 8:17am no Final Director's Interest Notice - Jake   Nunn opens new window   
175KB Final   Director's Interest Notice
7-Sep-23 8:16am no Final Director's Interest Notice - Scott   Robertson opens new window   
174KB Final   Director's Interest Notice
7-Sep-23 8:16am no Final Director's Interest Notice - Michael   Aldridge opens new window   
173KB Final   Director's Interest Notice
6-Sep-23 1:21pm yes Board Restructure opens new window   
120KB Chair Appointment/Resignation and 1 more
31-Aug-23 7:28pm no Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance   Statement opens new window   
637KB Corporate Governance and 1 more
31-Aug-23 7:28pm no 2023 Annual Report opens new window   
9462KB Annual Report and 5 more
31-Aug-23 7:15pm yes Appendix 4E opens new window   
241KB Preliminary   Final Report
8:27am no Notice of change of interests of substantial   holder opens new window   
76KB Change in   substantial holding
1-Aug-23 9:12am no Final Director's Interest Notice - Professor   Jonathan West opens new window   
177KB Final   Director's Interest Notice
1-Aug-23 8:49am no Professor Jonathan West opens new window   
98KB Director   Appointment/Resignation
28-Jul-23 9:09am yes Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 4C -   Jun-2023 opens new window   
1073KB Commitments Test Entity - Fourth Quarter Activity   Report and 1 more
7-Jul-23 8:27am no Notice of change of interests of substantial   holder opens new window   
491KB Change in   substantial holding